


卡乐芙 知识百科


Wedding invitations are an essential part of a wedding. It is the first impression that your guests will have of your special day. Therefore, it is important to create an invitation that is both beautiful and informative. In this article, we will guide you on how to write an English wedding invitation that will leave a lasting impression on your guests.

1. The Hosts

The first thing you need to include in your wedding invitation is the names of the hosts. This could be the bride's parents, the groom's parents, or both. If the couple is hosting the wedding themselves, their names should be included. For example:

Mr. and Mrs. John Smith request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter, Jane Smith, to John Doe.

2. The Couple

The next thing you need to include is the names of the couple. This should be the full names of both the bride and groom. For example:

Jane Smith and John Doe

3. The Date and Time

The date and time of the wedding should be clearly stated on the invitation. This will help your guests plan their schedules accordingly. For example:

Saturday, the fifth of June, two thousand and twenty-one at three o'clock in the afternoon

4. The Venue

The venue of the wedding should also be included in the invitation. This will help your guests know where the wedding will take place. For example:

St. Mary's Church, 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA

5. The Dress Code

It is important to state the dress code for the wedding. This will help your guests know what to wear. For example:

Semi-formal attire

6. The RSVP

You should also include an RSVP card with your invitation. This will help you keep track of who will be attending the wedding. For example:

Kindly respond by May 15th, 2021

7. Conclusion

Writing an English wedding invitation can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. By following these simple guidelines, you can create an invitation that is both beautiful and informative. Remember to include the hosts, the couple, the date and time, the venue, the dress code, and the RSVP. With these elements in place, your guests will have all the information they need to attend your special day.


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